KTC Logo Albuquerque KTC  


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Please consider a donation to help maintain the Center as an active representative of the Practice Lineage in Albuquerque!

Or scan this code
We are now making the Sunday morning practices at the Center available online through Zoom. If you'd like to participate, the link is here, or join on Zoom using the meeting ID 835 8838 5306 and the Passcode 347351. It's usually active about five minutes before the practice time. Click here to download the practice text (20 MB).

Monthly Calendar


Events held at KTC:

We regularly invite Lamas from our lineage to visit our center for teachings and empowerments. For those interested in taking refuge, or who seek a personal interview with a Lama, these can generally be arranged with any of the Lamas during their visits. Contact us for information.

Recent Events:
  • May 25-27, 2024

    Sacred Buddhist Art
    with Lama Karma Chopal

  • February 23 - 25, 2024

    Founders of the Mahamudra Lineage
    with Khenpo Sangye Trinley

  • November 10 - 12, 2023

    Taming the Ego to Limit Suffering
    with Khenpo Karma Tenkyong

  • April 14 - 16, 2023

    Understanding How to Practice Bodhicitta in Our Everyday Lives
    with Khenpo Ugyen Tenzin, translated by Khenpo Sangye Trinley

  • October 14 - 16, 2022

    Sand Mandala with Lama Chöpal

Lama Kathy Wesley

In Person - On Zoom for October 5th and 6th:

October 4th: Public Talk - Compassion in Tough Times

October 5th and 6th: Teachings on the Three Foundational Meditation Techniques of the Karma Kagyu Lineage

Lama Kathy Wesley

Friday, October 4th, 6:30 PM, at the Albuquerque Center for Peace and Justice, 202 Harvard Dr. SE
Saturday and Sunday, October 5th and 6th, 10:00 to noon and 2:00 to 4:00, at the Albuquerque KTC, 139 La Plata NW, Albuquerque
Explanations and instruction on the meditation styles of:
  • Samatha (calm abiding) - stabilizing the mind and training it to focus on a chosen object, whether external perception or internal experience
  • Tonglen - activating the intention to relieve others' suffering and bring them happiness and well-being that helps us move beyond our own ego grasping
  • Mantra (visualization practice) - using a meditational identification with a traditional enlightened figure embodying compassion and profound realization to help us unlock our own capacity to experience and express wisdom and kindness in our lives

Please email info@abqktc.org for more information and registration. Click here to download the full announcement.
To participate in the Saturday and Sunday sessions on Zoom, click here or use meeting ID 846 1491 0042 and passcode 468522.

The 17th Karmapa
Founded in 1982, the Albuquerque Karma Tegsum Chöling (KTC) is an affiliate center of Karma Triyana Dharmachakra (KTD), the North American seat of His Holiness the Gyalwa Karmapa. We follow the spiritual guidance of the 17th Karmapa, Orgyen Trinley Dorje, as well as Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche, abbot of KTD Monastery, and the Lamas and teachers of KTD.
Visit the Albuquerque KTC to:
  • Experience an extraordinary space for group practice.
  • Attend visits and teachings by highly respected, authentic Lamas.
  • Receive instruction in meditation and Buddhist fundamentals.
  • Participate in Buddhist-friendly social activities and outings.
  • Establish a personal connection with the Karma Kagyu school of Tibetan Buddhism, founded in Tibet, 900 years ago!
We invite you to visit the Albuquerque KTC, the first Tibetan Buddhist center established in Albuquerque. A traditional sadhana practice is held every Sunday at 9:30 AM (visitors welcome).

Group meditation practices are held at 10:30 AM each Sunday. Teachings and empowerments from authentic Lamas in the Kagyu lineage are offered semi-regulary. In addition, the center maintains a library of books on Buddhism, as well as audio and video recordings of teachings. These resources are available to KTC members. Please contact us for information about becoming a member.

Sadhana practice

At KTC, we emphasize our direct connection with His Holiness, the Karmapa and the Karma Kagyu Lineage. We practice meditation, tantric sadhanas, and Lojong (Mind Training), with the aim of calming the mind and emotions, and developing spiritual insight and wisdom.

For instruction and guidance, we rely upon the Lamas and teachers of KTD Monastery, who regularly visit our center.

For information on our activities, call 505-343-0692 or email info@abqktc.org. For comments or problems concerning this web site, please contact admin@abqktc.org.
Lama Visit
(Above photo) We have regular visits from KTD teachers. Above is Lama Karma, with some KTC members and friends.
sand manadala
Building a Chenrezig sand mandala under the guidance of Lama Karma Chöpal (not in photo).
Group photo with Lama Tashi
Könchog Chidu group with Lama Tashi Dondup, April 2013.
Earth Day Prayers
Earth Day Prayers at Bachechi Open Space.
Early days with Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche
From the archives: Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche with KTC members (ca 1982), at the original KTC retreat center, Puerto de Luna, NM.